1.1. GETBOAT GLOBAL INC, the company registered at 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, New Castle County, State of Delaware, 19808, USA (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”), hereby offers to use the services available at (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and further described in section 3 hereof (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) to a Yacht Owner (as defined below, hereinafter also referred to as the “Licensee”) under the terms and conditions described herein. This Service License Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) shall come into force and become legally binding for the Parties as set out in section 2.1 hereof.

1.2. The present edition of the Contract shall enter into force on May 07, 2024 and shall be effective until the next edition is adopted.

1.3. Having completed the activities set out in section 2 hereof to gain access to the Service, the Licensee shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Contract without any reservations, exceptions or limitations not contained herein. In case of the Licensee’s disagreement with any provision of this Contract, the Licensee should not use the Service.

1.4. The Licensor reserves the right to change, amend or modify this Contract at any time and in its sole discretion and with no special prior notice. A new version of this Contract shall come into effect when posted on the Site. Continuing to use the Service, the Licensee confirms his acceptance of the revised Contract. The Licensor encourages the Licensee to review the Contract frequently to ensure that the Licensee understands the terms and conditions that apply when he uses the Service. If the Licensee does not agree to the revised Contract, the Licensee must stop using the Service.

1.5. Any time frames specified in this Contract shall be determined by the UTC - 5 time zone, unless otherwise expressly indicated herein. The beginning and the end of any calendar dates specified in this Contract, including the commencement and completion of any term, shall be determined by the beginning and the end of the respective 24-hour period in the UTC - 5 time zone.

1.6. In this Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Acceptance” means the acceptance by a User of an Offer sent by the Licensee with the use of the Service;

Application” means a form posted on the Site and filled in by the Licensee;

Yacht Owner” means a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or an individual who has a means of watercraft in the legal use or ownership and has the authority to lease it for rent on a reimbursable basis;

GetBoat Service Database” means the database organized on the Site, that is a part of the Service;

License Fee” means the consideration payable by the Licensee to the Licensor hereunder for the use of the Service;

Licensee” means a Yacht Owner who has entered into this Contract with the Licensor;

Licensor” has the meaning given to it in clause 1.1 hereof;

Offer” means the Licensee’s offer to provide services corresponding to the Request, specifying certain terms and conditions, sent by the Licensee in response to the User's Request with the use of the Service, or the terms of proposing a certain vessel for sale;

Parties” means collectively the Licensor and the Licensee;

Personal Account” means a closed section of the Service accessible only by its owner (Licensee) and containing information about the Licensee, service user settings, history of Charters accomplished using the Service, the information on Requests, etc. The Personal Account shall be also used for communication between the Licensor and the Licensee;

Central Agent Account” means a section of the Service managed by its owner (Licensee), viewable to the Users and containing information about services provided by a Yacht Owner, terms of provision of services by a Yacht Owner, a Yacht Owner’s terms of cancellation of Charter and refund policy, photos of the watercraft(s) owned by a Yacht Owner, through which the Licensee places Offers to a User’s Request.

Request” means a User's request sent with the use of the Service to search for Yacht Owners to rent a watercraft with or without crew, as well as the provision of the related services;

Service” means the Licensor’s software which distributes information about the received Users' Requests to the Yacht Owners and which allows the Yacht Owners to send Offers to the Users and the Users to accept such Offers;

Site” has the meaning given to it in clause 1.1 hereof;

Charter Price” is the price payable for a specific Charter agreed between the Yacht Owner and the User;

Charter” is a watercraft rental service, the terms and conditions of which are agreed by and between a Yacht Owner and a User (the type of watercraft, the time and place for the start and the end of the service, the cost of the service must be agreed upon minimum; as well as other rental terms and conditions and the related services may be agreed);

Charter Agreement” has the meaning given to it in clause 3.2 hereof;

User” means an individual interested in watercraft rent with the use of the Service.


2.1. The Contract shall come into force and the Licensee shall be granted access to the Service Database upon the completion of the following:

(A) The Licensee shall complete the registration and authorization process on the Site as a Yacht Owner interested in the Service.

(B) In order to gain access to the Personal Account, the Licensee should be authorized on the Site in the "Sign in" section, using as the login the Licensee’s e-mail address to which the Licensee will receive notifications of new Requests and the password used for his identification.

(C) After entering the Personal Account, the Licensee shall complete the Profile section by specifying Licensee’s name, contact email address, phone number, registration address and information on the Licensee.

(D) The Licensee shall provide (by uploading in the Personal Account or sending it to scanned copies of the following documents (the specific names and format of the documents may vary depending on the legislation of the country which the Licensee is a resident of and / or where the Licensee operates) in PDF or JPEG formats:

1) a document confirming the registration of the watercraft in the register of sea / river vessels;

2) a document confirming registration as a legal entity and a certificate of good-standing (for legal entities);

3) the certificate of the master for controlling the vessel of the relevant category (issued by an international

school or local authorities, if no crossings with a sea border are provided);

4) a license for passenger transportation by inland water and sea transport.

(E) The Licensor reviews the documents and information provided by the Licensee and may accept the Licensee’s offer, upon which the Contract shall be deemed concluded. The Licensor’s acceptance may be made by mere admission of the Licensee to the Service and to the Service Database as a Yacht Owner.

(F) The Licensee may upload photos and videos of the watercraft to be offered for the Charter to the Users. In this connection the Licensee shall upload only those photos and videos of the watercraft he/she has the right to, which do not violate the rights of third parties, and do such upload independently. In case the Licensee has technical problems with uploading of photos and videos of the watercraft he/she may send the written request for help to


3.1. The Service designed for the provision of informational, technological and financial interaction among the User and the Licensee as described below.

3.2. By means of the Service, the Licensee shall be given the opportunity to provide information about the watercraft the Licensee has the right to manage and dispose and the terms and conditions of the Charter Agreement the Licensee can offer or a certain vessel the Licensee can offer for sale (the “Offer”). The Offers placed by the Licensees through the Service are transmitted to the Users who have left Requests in the Service, the terms and conditions of which fully or partially correspond with the terms and conditions specified in the Offer. If the User agrees with the received Offer related to the Charter, he sends Acceptance to the Licensee with use of the Service and pays a part of the Charter Price as a deposit. Once the Licensee receives the User’s Acceptance related to the Charter (including by verbal agreement and / or implicit actions), the rent of a watercraft with or without crew and the provision of the related services (hereinafter referred to as the “Charter Agreement”) are considered to be agreed and concluded by and between the User and the Licensee. In case the Licensee places the Offers related to the watercraft sale proposals, upon the User’s Acceptance of such Offer the Licensee may contact the such User via the Service in order to make a sale, but any sale and purchase agreements related to the watercraft shall be made by between the Licensees and the Users in accordance with the procedure specified by the applicable legislation. The Service does not allow to enter into sale and purchase agreements related to the watercraft or make payments under such agreements.

3.3. Unless otherwise agreed between the User and the Licensee, the Charter Price relating to a specific Charter offered by the Licensee to the User and accepted by the User by means of Acceptance, includes only the cost of a Charter. No additional costs (fuel, parking fees, crew costs, etc.) shall be included in the Charter Price, unless otherwise agreed by and between the User and the Licensee.

3.4. When the User finds the Yacht Owner via the Service and concludes a Charter Agreement in the manner provided for herein, the User shall pay for the Charter in the following order:

(A) The User shall make an advance payment in the amount of not less than 30% of the Charter Price to the Licensor’s account no later than 7 (seven) business days prior the agreed the Charter start date The Licensor shall within 3 (three) business days transfer to the Licensee the partial payment for the Charter minus the amount of the License Fee specified in clause 5.1 below in this Contract.

The rest of the Charter Price shall be paid by the User in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Agreement agreed and concluded by and between the User and the Licensee in any manner agreed by them (cash or remittance with use of the Service).

(B) In the exclusive situations the User may pay the Charter Price directly to the Licensee in cash. In this case the Licensee shall within 3 (three) business days transfer the License Fee to the Licensor.

3.5. The Licensee shall make any claims related to the payment by the Users of the Charter Price directly to the Users and resolve disputes with the Users independently without the involvement of the Licensor.

3.6. The Licensee agrees to receive advertising messages from the Licensor. The Licensee has the right to refuse receiving advertising messages via the Site.

3.7. The Licensee agrees for the photos and videos of his \ her watercraft to be published on the Site for the purposes of advertising and promotion of the Service.

3.8. The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that:

(A) The Licensee’s ability to offer the Charter with use of the Service does not establish the Licensor as a purchaser of the Charter or as an agent for the User. When the Licensee agrees with a User upon a specific Charter and its terms and conditions including the Charter Price, he/she shall enter into a Charter Agreement with the User but not with the Licensor.

(B) Due to the nature of the Service provided under this Contract, the liability of the Licensor is limited to an obligation to accurately transmit via the Service the information between the User and the Licensee as well as to transfer prepayment or full payment for a specific Charter received from the User to the Licensee. The Licensor shall not be liable for the credibility of the information passed as well as for the due and in good faith performance by the User of his / her obligations under any contracts concluded by and between the Licensee and the User. The Licensor bears no responsibility for any losses including the loss of gains and physical losses and damages in any way determined by the use of the Service.

(C) The Service, the software used to provide the Service and other content of the Site through which the Service is available (including but not limited to the “Sea Epic Transportation Engine”, GetBoat logo and other logos and registered trademarks) are protected by the Licensor’s or third parties’ intellectual property rights. The Licensee is hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to: (i) access and use the respective intellectual property solely in connection with his use of the Service; and (ii) access and use any content, information and related materials that may be made available via the Service, in each case solely for the Licensee’s commercial use. The Licensor reserves any rights not expressly granted herein.

(D) There may exist certain technical limitations and restrictions on the Service, which can lead to the inaccessibility of the Service or delays in the transmission of communication at a particular time due to some reasons beyond the Licensor’s control.

(E) The Licensee enters into this Contract at his/her sole risk. The Service and any information provided to the Licensee are provided “as is” and “as available”.

(F) The relations between the Licensee and the Licensor fall exclusively within the Contract contained herein. Nothing shall be presumed to indicate that the Licensor and the Licensee have entered into or have agreed to enter into any other contract or have any rights and obligations before each other within any other contract.


4.1 Under this Contract, the Licensor grants to the Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to use the Service, and the Licensee is obliged to pay to the Licensor the License Fee in accordance with the terms of this Contract.


5.1. For the right to use the Service, the Licensee shall pay to the Licensor the License Fee in the amount of 15% of the Charter Price charged by the Licensee to the Users under the Charter Agreements. For proposing watercraft for sale, the Licensee pays License Fee at the rate specified in the Licensor’s tariffs (

5.2. For the Offers related to Charters the License Fee shall be paid as follows:

(A) in case of the Charter Price or its part is paid by the User as specified in clause 3.4(A) of this Contract the License Fee shall be deducted from the Charter Price or its part paid by the User;

(B) in case of the Charter Price is paid by the User to the Licensee as specified in clause 3.4(B) the Licensee shall within 3 (three) business days transfer the License Fee to the Licensor.

5.2.1. The License Fee for the Offers related to the proposing watercraft for sale shall be paid in advance for certain months from 1 to 12, and the Yacht Owner receives the right to place such Offers related only upon such payment. The Yacht Owner may set the automatic payments of the License Fee or cancel them any time. The License Fee paid for the Offers related to the proposing watercraft is non-refundable, including any advance payments.

5.3. Unless this Contract provides otherwise:

(A) all payments made by the Licensee under this Contract shall be made gross, free of right of counterclaim or set off and without deduction or withholding of any kind other than any deductions or withholding required by law; if the Licensee makes a deduction or withholding required by law from any payment, the sum due shall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after the making of any such deduction or withholding, the Licensor receives a sum equal to the sum it would have received had no deduction or withholding been made;

(B) all payments made by the Licensor are considered to include all taxes that may be paid by the Licensee in connection with the payment, the amount of additional fees and commissions of payment systems and the payment of such payments is the exclusive responsibility of the Licensee. Under no circumstances the Licensor shall be obliged to deduct or withhold any tax when making the payment to the Licensee.

5.4. In case the Licensee is registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, payments related to this Contract, including the transfer of the Charter Price, as well as the settlements related to the License Fee occasionally can be made by the electronic payment service PLATRON under its terms and conditions.

- “Global Online Travel” Limited Liability Company (registered in the Republic of Armenia, registration number 271.110.1183229) shall be the Service operator in the following regions: Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan. In these regions the operator shall perform all the Licensor’s obligations and exercise its rights towards the Licensees, including but not limited to making payments and settlements under the terms and conditions specified herein.


6.1. The Licensee shall place terms of cancellation of Charter and refund policy in his / her Central Agent Account.

6.2. In the event of cancellation of the Charter for any reason, the procedure for the return of funds transferred by the User directly to the Licensee is determined by the agreement between the Licensee and the User and/or the terms of cancellation of the Charter and refund policy placed by the Licensee in the his /her Central Agent Account.

6.3. The Licensor shall be responsible for returning only those funds that the Licensor received directly from the User as payment for the Charter minus the License Fee for the use of the Service specified in clause 5.1 herein, and under no circumstances shall the Licensor be liable for any other Charters calculations and / or any financial obligations of the Licensee with respect to the User.

6.4. In case of the Charter Price was paid by the User in cash to the Licensee as specified in clause 3.4(B) the Licensee shall transfer to the Licensor the License Fee specified in clause 5.1 for the use of the Service.

6.5. All disputes and disagreements regarding to the cancellation of the Charter and refund of the Charter Price shall be resolved between the Licensee and the User without the involvement of the Licensor.


7.1. During the entire time that the Licensee continues to use the Services, the Licensee represents and warrants that:

(A) the Licensee has legal capacity under the laws of all applicable jurisdictions and agrees to this Contract voluntarily, and in particular that:

(I) the Licensee has full power, authority and capacity to comply with this Contract and its obligations hereunder;

(II) the Licensee enters into this Contract voluntarily and based on its own independent judgment and on advice from the independent advisors as the Licensee has considered necessary; and

(III) if the Licensee enters into this Contract as a corporation, it is a duly incorporated, validly existing corporation in good standing under the laws of the place in which it is incorporated;

(B) the Licensee’s compliance with this Contract is lawful and his/her obligations under this Contract are legally binding and valid, and in particular that:

(I) The Licensee enters into this Contract for the purpose of fulfilling in good faith all obligations assumed in relation to the Licensor and / or Users, and the Licensee does not intend to evade performance of such obligations and / or engage in fraudulent or illegal activities during the performance of the Contract;

(II) his/her entry into, the exercise of his/her rights and the performance of his/her obligations under, and conduct of all transactions contemplated by, this Contract, will not contravene any restriction legally binding on the Licensee;

(III) he/she is not a resident or tax resident of, is not domiciled in, and does not otherwise have any relevant connection with any jurisdiction in which entry into or performing the Licensee’s obligations under this Contract is unlawful or restricted in any material way or requires licensing, registration or approval of any kind;

(IV) he/she is not a resident or tax resident of, is not domiciled in, and does not otherwise have any relevant connection with, any of the restricted regions as set out in section 14 hereof;

(V) he/she has obtained any corporate authorizations which may be required for him/her to fully comply with this Contract and these remain in full force and effect;

(VI) he/she has all necessary permits and licenses for activities related to the transportation of passengers by watercraft and baggage and carries all the risks associated with the absence of these documents;

(VII) he/she has obtained any and all consent, approval, order or authorization of, or registration, qualification, designation, declaration or filing with, any federal, state or local governmental authority or semi-governmental entity required for it to fully comply with this Contract; and

(VIII) he/she is not bankrupt or insolvent (as applicable) and entry into and performing his/her obligations under this Contract will not result in becoming bankrupt or insolvent (as applicable);

(C) the Licensee has carefully and thoroughly read and understood this Contract;

(D) the Licensee enters into this Contract with the intent to faithfully fulfil its terms;

(E) entering into this Contract the Licensee has not relied on any representation, warranty, statement, undertaking or conduct of any kind other than as expressly provided in this Contract;

(F) all information provided by the Licensee (including in the process of registration and authorization for the conclusion of the Contract and obtaining access to the Service) is true, complete, valid and not misleading in any respect, and it acknowledges and agrees that the Licensor enters into this Contract with him in reliance on the representations and warranties set out in this section;

(G) all information provided by the User while using the Service, including his/her personal data, cookies, etc., may be checked for the purposes of sanctions compliance under the US and EU regulations following the Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

(H) by uploading photos and videos of the watercraft offered for the Charter the Licensee represents and warrants that he/she has all rights to those photos and videos and actions with them and does not violate the intellectual property rights of any third parties; the Licensor shall in no way and under no circumstances be liable to third parties in case of alleged violation of their intellectual property rights in respect to any content (including photos and videos of the watercrafts) uploaded by the Licensee in the Service; in case of receipt by the Licensor of any claims for violation of intellectual property rights of third parties the Licensor in response to such a claim shall have the right to and the Licensee acknowledges, consents and authorizes the Licensor to provide those third parties with information about the Licensee who uploaded the disputed content in the Service. All disputes arisen out of or in connection with the violations hereof shall independently be resolved by the Licensee and any third parties without involving the Licensor.


8.1. The Licensee shall:

(A) regularly (at least daily) monitor and review any announcements connected with the Service and amendments to this Contract available on the Site;

(B) use the Service only for the purposes and in the manner expressly permitted by this Contract;

(C) notify the Licensor immediately if any of the representations and warranties made under this Contract becomes untrue, incomplete, invalid or misleading in any respect;

(D) not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Service in any way;

(E) be fully responsible for keeping, the information required to access its Personal Account (including the password) confidential, secure, intact and under control;

(F) not reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, license, lease, sell, resell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Service except as expressly permitted by the Licensor;

(G) not carry out decompiling, reconstructing or restoration of the Service or any of its parts, except as may be permitted by applicable law;

(H) not link to, mirror or frame any portion of the Service;

(I) not cause or launch any programs or scripts for the purpose of scraping, indexing, surveying, or otherwise data mining any portion of the Service or unduly burdening or hindering the operation and/or functionality of any aspect of the Service;

(J) not attempt to gain unauthorized access to or impair any aspect of the Service or its related systems or networks;

(K) not use or reference in any manner the Licensor's names, logos, product and service names, trademarks or services marks unless permitted by the Licensor;

(L) not otherwise infringe the Licensor’s intellectual property rights concerning the Service, the software and any other content of the Site through which the Licensee accesses the Service;

(M) observe all applicable laws and regulations (including the legislation and the rules of transportation when carrying out transportation of passengers by watercraft and baggage, tax laws and regulations) in such manner that will, to the best of its knowledge and belief, result in compliance by it and the Licensor in any jurisdiction in which it directly or indirectly uses the Service;

(N) in case of the information or documents provided by the Licensee to the Licensor become incorrect, incomplete or obsolete, the Licensee shall immediately notify the Licensor thereof by updating the information or documents contained on his Personal Account or otherwise;

(O) provide promptly such evidence of his/her compliance with this Contract as the Licensor may at any time reasonably require;

(P) in case of any claims to the Licensor concerning the Service, send them within 5 (five) working days from the moment of their discovery;

(Q) provide the Licensor with comments and explanations related to the discharge of his/her obligations set out in this Contract within 5 (five) working days after the receipt of the Licensor’s relevant request;

(R) carry out Charter in strict compliance with the terms of the Charter Agreement agreed with the User;

(S) carry out the Charter in any circumstances except for the confirmed event of force majeure;

(T) not engage into any relations with a User secretly from the Licensor with the aim of avoiding the payment of License Fee;

(U) not transfer to third parties and not use independently, in connection with the performance of the Charter, any User data that has become available to the Licensee in connection with the use of the Service.


9.1. The Licensee hereby accepts that, to the fullest extent permitted by law:

(A) no warranty is given in respect of the Service or any information provided to the Licensee; and

(B) the Licensor expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including:

(I) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement;

(II) any warranties as to the timeliness, reliability, suitability, sequence, accuracy, adequacy, consistency or completeness of any information provided to the Licensee at any time or from time to time;

(III) any warranties that the access to the Service provided hereunder will be uninterrupted, timely or free from error.


10.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Licensor expressly disclaims all liability for any loss whatsoever, and howsoever caused, incurred or suffered by the Licensee or anyone else, and including any loss arising from or in connection with:

(A) any inaccuracy, incompleteness or delay in any information provided to the Licensee;

(B) any malfunction, instability, or another breakdown of any software used by the Licensor for the provision of the Service;

(C) any disclosure, loss, theft, destruction or inaccessibility of the Licensee’s Personal Account, password or other data (including the Licensee’s or any other person’s failure to keep these secure, safe and confidential);

(D) termination of this Contract at any time and for any reason;

(E) any failure of the Service to be used in any specific way or to meet any specific purpose or requirements;

(F) any war, riots, acts of God, restraints imposed by any governmental or semi-governmental or regulatory authority, industrial or trade disputes, fires, explosions, typhoons, floods, lightning, earthquakes and natural calamities.

10.2. The Licensor shall have no liability, however arising, for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including lost profits, lost data, personal injury or property damage arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Service hereunder, or otherwise related to its subject matter, regardless of the negligence (either active, affirmative, sole, or concurrent) of the Licensor, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

10.3. The Licensor shall not be liable for any damages, liability or losses arising out of: (i) the Licensee’s use of or reliance on the Service or the Licensee’s inability to access or use the Service; or (ii) any transaction or relationship between the Licensee and any User, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Licensor shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond the Licensor’s reasonable control.

10.4. The Licensor’s aggregate liability to the Licensee for any claims for damages (whether under contract, tort, warranty, or other law) resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with this Contract, or otherwise related to its subject matter, will exceed 10 % of the Charter Price payable in connection with the relevant Charter.


11.1. The Licensee indemnifies the Licensor against, and agrees to reimburse and compensate the Licensor for, any liability or loss arising from (and any costs incurred in connection therewith):

(A) any breach of this Contract;

(B) the Licensor exercising, enforcing or preserving its rights, powers or remedies (or considering doing so) with respect to the Licensee in connection with this Contract;

(C) infringement of any Licensor’s or third parties’ intellectual property rights or other laws in connection with the Licensee’s use of the Service and the Site and its contents;

(D) any damage caused to a User or his property in the process of any Charter completed by the Licensee.


12.1. The Licensee shall pay a penalty to the Licensor for every case of breach of clauses 8.1(E), 8.1(M), 8.1(S), 8.1(T), 8.1(U). of this Contract.

12.2. The penalty under this Contract shall be:

(A) for a breach of clauses 8.1 (S), 8.1(T) of this Contract, the amount of the Charter Price;

(B) for a breach of 8.1 (U) hereof, USD2000 or its equivalent in the currency used in the place of the Licensee’s residency or place of operations.

(C) for a breach of clause 8.1(E) hereof in the amount of USD100;

(D) for a breach of clause 8.1(M) hereof the penalty shall depend on the damage caused to the Licensor as a result of breach by the Licensee of the applicable laws and regulations;

12.3. Any compensation of damages shall not relieve the Licensee of the obligation to pay a penalty provided herein.

12.4. Any payment of a penalty by the Licensee shall not deprive the Licensor of the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract.

12.5. In case of violation of clause 8.1(S) or clause 8.1(T) of this Contract, the Licensor additionally reserves the right to block the Personal Account of the Licensee.

12.6. If Licensor finds out that the Licensee violated or may violate the provisions of clause 7.1. (B) (i) the Licensor has the right to suspend the Licensee’s access to the Service, as well as the transfer to the Licensee any amounts in accordance with clause 3.4. hereof until such information is disproved. In case the information about the failure of the Licensee to comply with the specified assurances is confirmed, the Licensor has the right to terminate this Contract in the manner prescribed by section 16 and withhold any amounts due to pay to the Licensee at the time of such termination.


13.1. The Licensee hereby agrees that he will not use the Service to perform Charters or other business activities in the following regions:

  • Afghanistan;
  • Burma (Myanmar);
  • Central African Republic;
  • Crimean Peninsula;
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea;
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo;
  • Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine;
  • Islamic Republic of Iran;
  • Kuwait;
  • Lebanon;
  • Liberia;
  • Libya;
  • Mali;
  • Mongolia;
  • Nicaragua;
  • Republic of Cuba;
  • Republic of Guinea;
  • Republic of Guinea-Bissau;
  • Sierra Leone;
  • Somalia;
  • South Sudan;
  • Syrian Arab Republic;
  • Venezuela;
  • Yemen;
  • Zimbabwe.


14.1. The Parties shall be relieved from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfil obligations under this Contract due to force majeure circumstances (fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters and military activities).

14.2. The Party which faces inability to fulfill its obligations under this Contract shall immediately, but not later than within one day, notify the other Party on the commencement and cessation of circumstances preventing the Party from fulfillment of its obligations.

14.3. The existence of force majeure circumstances shall be confirmed by a reference (references) prepared by the authorized bodies or organizations.

14.4. The absence of notification or untimely notification of the force majeure circumstances shall deprive the Party of the right to refer to them.


15.1. The Licensor may assign, transfer, novate or otherwise deal in any manner, all or any part of the benefit of this Contract and any of its rights, remedies, powers, duties and obligations under this Contract to any person, without the Licensee’s consent and in any way the Licensor considers appropriate.

15.2. The Licensee agrees that it may not protest any assignee, transferee or any other person who has an interest in this Contract, any right of set off or other rights that the Licensee has against the Licensor.


16.1. This Contract will commence at the moment specified in section 2 and shall continue until terminated in accordance with this section 16.

16.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the Licensor may at any time and for any reason immediately terminate this Contract as between the Licensee and it without prior notice or need to specify reasons, including if:

(A) the Licensee has breached any provision of this Contract or acted in a manner which clearly shows that the Licensee does not intend to or is unable to comply with any provision in this Contract;

(B) the Licensor reasonably considers it is required to do so by the application of any laws or regulations or by any government, quasi-government, authority or public body (including any regulatory body of any jurisdiction); or

(C) the Licensor determines that performing its obligations under this Contract is no longer commercially viable.

16.3. The Licensor will inform the Licensee of such termination by notice in accordance with section 21.

16.4. The blocking of the Licensee's Personal Account by the Licensor shall be deemed a proper notice of unilateral termination of this Contract by the Licensor.

16.5. The Licensee may terminate this Contract unilaterally at any moment by deletion of its Personal Account.

16.6. The termination of this Contract shall not relieve either of the Parties form their financial obligations accrued by the time of termination.


17.1. The Licensee acknowledges and agrees unconditionally and irrevocably to waive any right of set-off, netting, counterclaim, abatement or other similar remedy which the Licensee might otherwise have under this Contract under the laws of any jurisdiction.


18.1. This Contract is governed by and must be construed in accordance with the law of State of Delaware.


19.1. Any dispute and controversy, which may arise during the fulfillment hereof, shall be settled, as far as possible, by negotiations between the Parties.

19.2. If there is a dispute between the Parties resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement or related to its subject matter, the dispute shall be resolved through judicial procedure in accordance with applicable laws of the State of Delaware, USA.


20.1 Any person who is not a party to this Contract may not enforce nor enjoy the benefit of any provision of this Contract.


21.1. The Licensee agrees that the Licensor may give notices and communications, under or in connection with this Contract by announcement on the Site or by email to the email address which the Licensee registers to its Personal Account, and that such notice is deemed to be effective and received by the Licensee at the time when it is published on the Site, or, if earlier, sent, by the Licensor unless the Licensor promptly receives an automated message indicating failed delivery of that notice.

21.2. Notices to the Licensor may be directed to the email address specified on the Site.


22.1 No failure or delay on the part of the Licensor to exercise any right, power or remedy under this Contract will operate as a waiver, nor will any single or partial exercise by the Licensor of any right, power or remedy.


23.1 The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Contract are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights, powers or remedies provided by law.


24.1. This Contract do not create any kind of partnership, joint venture, advisor, fiduciary, agency or trustee relationship or any similar relationship between the Licensee and the Licensor or any other person or entity.


25.1. If any provision of this Contract is held to be illegal, void, unenforceable or invalid, whether in whole or part, under the laws of any jurisdiction, that portion will be severed, and such illegality, unenforceability or invalidity will not affect the legality, enforceability or validity of the remaining provisions of this Contract in that jurisdiction, nor the legality, enforceability or validity of this Contract in any other jurisdiction. This section 25 has no effect if the severance would alter the basic nature of this document or be contrary to public policy.


26.1. This Contract is made in English. In case of translation of this Contract to any language for convenience of the User any inconsistency between this version and any translation, the English version shall prevail.

Legal Address 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, New Castle County, State of Delaware, 19808, USA
Reg.number 7047233

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